By: Caroline Garrison

Have you ever heard the saying “what is on the inside is the most important?” Well, that saying doesn’t only apply personally, but also professionally. It is important to build employee moral from the inside out. This positively affects company culture and in-turn produces a work place that is not only productive and efficient, but happy as well.

Company Culture is the personality of your business. It is the combination of the office environment, values, mission, and background of your company.

Simply defined, culture is the customs, arts, social institutions, and achievements of a particular nation, people, or other social group.

1. Choose Wisely

Every company is unique in its own way – they have different needs. It is common that within an industry, the employees have common interests and ‘fit’ the company culture.  When the time comes to hire human capital, it is important to be picky. Hiring involves precious company time and money. Be sure the person you hire will be a good fit with the office environment and will carry out the mission and values effectively. Your company is a TEAM, when everybody works together and gets along, the dynamics will change dramatically.

2. Service with a Smile

Your employees are the true face of the company. They deal with clients, customers, and patients. Their attitude and service levels towards your customers will ultimately be reflected by how they are treated at work. If they are unhappy and feel unappreciated, then that will most likely show in their performance. If they feel respected, valued, and are engaged with company culture, then they will be driven to work harder. It is important that all employees know and engage with the company mission and values of your company. They should be educated and know what the company’s ultimate goals are, and the standards to which they are expected to perform. And last, but not least, thank your employees and do it often!

3. Get Creative

Company culture isn’t usually something that comes naturally on its own. It is something that comes after the leaders of the company builds a strong and positive environment.

The following are conventional ways to improve your office culture:

  1. Create an open-door policy
  2. Handle internal conflict immediately
  3. Offer flexible work opportunities
  4. Have team bonding events
  5. Recognize and reward valuable contributions
  6. Inspire and encourage employees
  7. Promote team atmosphere
  8. Give frequent thanks and feedback

The following are unconventional ways to improve your office culture:

  1. Bring your kids to work day
  2. Free M&Ms
  3. Relaxed dressed code
  4. 5 Minute Dance Parties

Examples of Companies That Are Known For Their Outstanding Company Culture

The following companies are known for their outstanding company culture. They have shown ways to make their employees enjoy coming to work.

Google: 3 Things to Learn More Google’s Workplace Culture

Zappos: The Happiness Culture: Zappos Isn’t a Company – It’s a Mission

Warby Parker: Building Radically Better Company Culture

Facebook: This Is What It’s Like to Work at Facebook, Named the Best Place to Work 3 Years in a Row